I Heart My BADD Kids

As of April 2015, my two blogs will become one. I Heart My B.A.D.D. Kids is my two cents on parenting and relationships.

Older posts can be found at www.iheartmybaddkids.blogspot.com

Raising kids is fun, scary, heartwarming and nerve wrecking all at the same time. I have learned so much from being a parent. Feel free to share with me as I talk about my B.A.D.D. kids: they truly are Beautiful And Delightfully Dynamic.
I Heart My B.A.D.D. Kids

Forever Loving my B.A.D.D. Kids,

Here are some of my popular posts:

"My daughter said the 'S' word and I almost fainted"

"Are you guilty of 'Mom Shaming?"

"The Imperfect Parent"

"Love and Marriage: A Year of Dates- January"