Day 25- Something I am currently worrying about
Well, this is a tough one because generally I try not to worry about things. Being worried about stuff only adds stress and wrinkles and ain't nobody got time for that. But, there are some things that I "ponder" over, pray about and just leave alone. One of those things is my career/passions. I want to find a job that involves my passion and so I am on a quest to 1- figure out what my passions are and 2- figure out how I can parlay that into some cash flow.
I love to write, but my history of writing has not given me a check yet. I wrote for a local magazine for a year for free for the exposure and the experience and while I enjoyed it, I was hoping it would be a stepping stool for more opportunities. I also have been writing this blog for going on 6 years now and I have not nearly the amount of followers and readers that I should. I know that's mostly my fault because I don't promote it like I should. But I'm funny, darn it. (I be cracking myself up.) And my whole purpose was to lift people up. And talk about make-up and fashion. And brag about my kids. But, the blogs and sites that are out here spreading gossip and promoting fights, racism and hatred against yourself and your people are the ones making headlines, not to mention money-hand over fist.
Day 26- Things you like and dislike about yourself
I like everything about myself- I'm perfect. Well, not really, but you can't get any closer to perfection than me, baby. Of course, I'm cracking up as I write this. The truth is I always consider myself to be a work in progress. I guess that's one thing I like about myself. Also, I have a crazy sense of humor, I'm not about any drama, I don't lie (which is a blessing and a curse), I have a positive attitude (most of the time), and I am creative and can think like there is no box. I also have a unique fashion sense, I love the way I look and I can make a dollar out of a dime.
Now, it's not all roses over here, I do have some flaws. I mentioned that I don't like to lie, so instead of doing so, I will either avoid a person or a situation like the plague or throw up that palm and plead the 5th.
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No, it's not always the best thing to do because the truth sets one free, but I have been known to cause tears from my truths so I'll just save the friendships I have and leave it alone.
The other major flaw I have, and ya'll better not tell my husband this. I mean it. I will never hear the end of it if he knows I admitted this, but...(in a whisper) I can be selfish. (Gasps.) Yes, I, mother, queen of the earth, the natural born nurturer can be selfish. Now, don't get me wrong, I have and will give my last to someone in need, I will be there for people even when they are no where in sight for me. I will pray for those who I know ain't even thought about me, but there are two things that I'm sorry, but you gone have to fight me over. My snacks and my family/friends.
I'm a big girl. I eat snacks and no, I'm not always willing to share. My crumb snatchers adorable children will ignore me all day, but the minute I ruffle a pack of cookies, here they come wanting to give out hugs. No, I don't want no hug right now. Mommy will get at you when I'm done with these Chips Ahoy.
And when I say I'm selfish with my family/friends I just mean I give all newcomers the side eye before I invoke my complete trust that what happens among family/friends will stay among family/friends. I'm also selfish in the fact that I don't like when I'm talking to someone in my circle and somebody else just walk up and start talking. For example, I was having lunch with my husband yesterday in his break room at work. He bought me some froyo, so I was there all happy in the afterglow. I'm talking to him and he's looking at me and then the next thing I know he looks to my right and says something that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. The convo continued like this:
Me- What? (Confused look.)
Him- Oh, she was asking me about the Walking Dead, She's trying to catch up. (His head points in the direction to somebody behind me.)
Me- (Looks over my shoulder to see who "she" is. Makes eye contact. Turns back around.) So you gone talk to me or them?
Him- Ohh. (Looks down into his yogurt cup like I just put him on punishment, but with a smirk on his face.)
Now, I may have been a little rude in my delivery but "she" was rude for being 2 tables away yelling across the room just because she wanted to be seen. I don't play that. There were actual words coming out of my mouth and since my husband is too nice to tell people they are wrong, I passive aggressively did it for him. So bye, Felicia. Now that I'm looking at this, I don't know if this is still considered selfish or if it should fall into jealous territory. Ohh well. Like I said, I'm a work in progress.
Day 27- A quote you try to live by
Now, how ya'll gone ask me to get all deep after I done showed you how I go off on people? Well, let me put my Soul Sista hat on and hit you with a few of my favorite quotes.
My life mantra has always been, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."- Philippians 4:13.

I also live by the golden rule of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."- Luke 6:31.

Other quotes that I love and have relied on from time to time are below.

What's your favorite quote?
Wishing you Love, Peace and Soul Deep Beauty,
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