Monday, March 23, 2015

My Life in Photos

1. My babies are growing up. They need to wear glasses, can you believe that?! I was so fearful that they would break them the first day they wore them to school, but they are proving themsleves to be very responsible. So proud of them.

2. She bakes, too. I made a strawberry cake to celebrate 2 of my co-workers birthday and it was sooo good. We also had vegan banana bread, brought by another collegue and we thew in some oranges for good measure. The vegan banana bread was good too, I wasn't sure what to expect but it had plenty of flavor.

3. I did some shopping and I can't wait till the weather is nice enough for me to show these thick legs and thunder thighs. (Yes, I've learned to embrace mine.) I stalked this romper on ASOS for a couple weeks before it sold out. When I saw it was restocked, I did not hesitate. Online shopping is a blessing an a curse.

4. Deuces. This is going to be my motto/logo for the rest of the year, and possibly my life. I'm saying deuces to all negativity and situations that try to bring me down. I will no longer allow other people to control my feelings or bring me into their worlds of despair. #Preach. Ain't nobody got time for that.

What did you do this week? Holla.

Wishing you Love, Peace and Soul Deep Beauty,

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