Monday, April 2, 2012

Naturally Flyy Detroit Meet Up

"An independent woman can't find a man because an independent woman IS a man." (Pause for reaction.) That was just one of the pearls of wisdom that was dropped at Saturday's Naturally Flyy Detroit Presents the Mens Forum, Part 2. But, that little pearl didn't come from a brotha, it came from one of the founders of Naturally Flyy Detroit, Ms. Espy "Etta Flyy" and she shut the crowd down with that one.

If you saw my previous article about Naturally Flyy then you know that I had been waiting with anticipation for Saturday night's festivities. There were vendors who sold everything from earrings and hats to candles, hair butters and even hand made purses from Africa. There was a belly dancing segment from Tene' of House of Bastet, a natural hair Q & A session with Ms. Wanda from Transitions Salon and Ms. Everette from Everette's Natural Hair and Beauty School/Salon. (S/N- I plan on taking classes at both House of Bastet and Ms. Everett's school. I'll keep yall posted.) There were women, men and children taking in the sights and smells as natural hair became the main event.

But, little did I know that hair was just the beginning as the men's forum opened the floor to the dynamics of  male/female relationships, how the media portrays black women, interracial relationships and how the men were brought up played a part in how they looked at themselves. The men were respectfully blunt and honest and I think we all left with the overwhelming theme of the night and that is simply to be who you are and don't wait for anybody to validate you. One of the gentlemen said that when a woman walks around confident with her head held high, a man can't help but to bow down to her. I couldn't have said it better myself.

Now, let me show you what I bought. BTW, I did have some pics of the event but they came out so dark it wouldn't even be worth posting them.

My girl from college, Stephanie and myself. So Flyy.

I got a tank for me and a t-shirt for my daughter. Too Cute.

Ms. Eartha Kitt Ladies and Gentleman.
I don't know the young lady's name who made these because I grabbed the wrong card
but I do know that she is at the Rustbelt Market on Weekends.

I circled around this cuff about 3 times before I decided to bite.
It is...the business.
The young lady who made this is Jocelyn of Jewelry Fetish and she
sells her creations out of The Artist Village where event was held.

So that's it for now. A good time was had by all and I hear that the next meet up will be May 19th. Yeah.

Love, peace and Soul Deep Beauty!

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